Welcome to the Naples Flying Club Application page. On Behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for your interest in our historic club. As you’ve read, our club has been around since the 1950’s honoring aviation with a culture of safety, and fun built around a small well maintained fleet of aircraft. Our members hold a variety of certifications, and have a broad experience in aviation, from airlines to military.
In order to be granted flying privileges once you become a member, you will be asked to pass a Basic Check-Ride with one of our Club approved instructors, or Safety Officer. This ensures that you can meet basic Private Pilot Practical Test Standards in our aircraft. Remedial training in our aircraft by Club Approved instructors is always available.
Our membership process is very straightforward and simple. Simply download the three pages below and complete:
Membership Application Form Page 1 (Complete form and return)
Membership Application Form Page 2 (retain for your records)
Membership Application Form Page 3 (Complete form and return)
Then mail page 1 and 3 along with a cover letter introducing yourself and stating why you would like to join our club, the $25.00 application fee, and a copy of your current medical and pilot certificate to:
Naples Flying Club, Inc
C/O Al Russo
3213 BrookeView Ct
Naples Florida, 34120
A Board member will contact you upon receipt of your Application and ensure that your application is complete. The entire process takes about 30 days depending on availability of memberships and the scheduling of Director’s Meetings.
Once approved by the board, each member shares in the ownership of our aircraft. After you are approved, you will be given a list of those members selling their memberships, and provided their contact information in order to negotiate the purchase of shares directly with each selling member.
Should you have any questions during your application process, please don’t hesitate to call me directly, or any board member.
Al Russo, ATP
Safety & Administration
Naples Flying Club, Inc